Daniel Lemire's blog

, 6 min read

Write good papers: my slides

9 thoughts on “Write good papers: my slides”

  1. @Neil If you need more than 10 pages to make your point correctly, why submit the paper to a conference or journal that limits you to 10 pages?

    Here is a rule I follow : submit your papers where they will be accepted. Of course, my work still gets rejected, but at least, I don’t go the extra mile to ensure I’ll get in trouble.

    Some people will tell you that you must absolutely publish at conference X or journal Y to exist. Yet, these rules are typically overstated.

  2. @Misha Thanks. I’ll try to spell this out more clearly.

  3. Neil says:

    Say you have a formal paper, and the writeup depends on the proof or formalization. This is too long for the 10 pages, but still central to your argument. How can you include this without the reviewer saying “I can’t be bothered” and rejecting?

  4. Thanks, Daniel, that’s a great presentation! Well, it fits somehow in the “Write all the time. Daily.” statement, but what about emphasizing that one should start writing up a paper before getting the research done? I mean a real paper, not a write up…

  5. Thomas says:

    nice slides.

    Two comments though:
    Please number all equations even if you do not reference them, that makes other peoples’ life easier when discussing them (e.g. reviewers).

    (2) Please number all slides in your presentation, two avoid questions of the type “on the slide before you introduce X, there was …”

  6. Alex says:

    Could you please get more detail on “Figures” part? What format should we use in place of bitmap?
    Thank you

  7. divya says:

    liked your slides

  8. Emma says:

    Thanks – some useful points that I’ll pass on to my students.
    (I’m assuming that the reference to 20008 on Slide 39 is a typo, rather than a confession to having a tardis!)