Daniel Lemire's blog

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Top 25 Canadian Universities by Research Funding (2009)

  1. University of Toronto (where I got my B.Sc. and M.Sc.)
  2. University of Alberta
  3. University of British Columbia
  4. Université de Montréal (where I got my Ph.D.)
  5. McGill University
  6. McMaster University
  7. Université Laval
  8. University of Ottawa
  9. University of Calgary
  10. University of Western Ontario
  11. University of Saskatchewan
  12. Queen’s University
  13. University of Manitoba
  14. University of Guelph
  15. University of Waterloo
  16. Dalhousie University
  17. University of Victoria
  18. Université de Sherbrooke
  19. Simon Fraser University
  20. Carleton University
  21. Université du Québec à Montréal (where I pretend to work)
  22. Memorial University of Newfoundland
  23. York University
  24. Institut national de la recherche scientifique
  25. University of New Brunswick (where I am an adjunct professor)

Acadia University where I was once an assistant professor is ranked in 48th position.

Source: researchinfosource.com