I can very much related to the research papers problem. 🙁
I don’t have any old published research papers, ‘though I have a bunch of posts, academic papers and unfinished articles from back when I was a mathematician.
If I try really really hard I can usually understand them. But it’s hard to believe that I wrote them.
Oh dear,
I can identify with a few of those, especially the phone number one.
I’m ashamed to say that I once thought I had invented n-grams. My advisor said nothing to me when I told him all about my ground-breaking discovery. He just pulled out a load of papers dating way back and gave them to me. Lesson learnt: always do the research first 🙂
I lose everything, apparently it’s quite usual for information retrieval people to lose all their information constantly.
Thank you. I had an awful morning – till now!
Patrick Girouxsays:
Plusieurs des éléments de cette liste me font penser à moi… J’ai par exemple toujours une copie de ma thèse, mais je ne retrouve plus mon mémoire et je ne sais même pas ce qui a pu arriver au fichier!!!
Par contre, je ne comprend pas comment tu arrive à garder le contrôle sur ton agenda. Peux-tu SVP nous dire comment tu y arrives? Ça fait maintenant 5 ans que je travaille à l’UQAC et ça me semble impossible. Il y a toujours un comité ou une réunion…
I lost the electronic version of my PhD thesis somewhere along the way. Just as well. Nobody would want to read it anyway.
Fortunately, I do have an electronic version of my undergraduate thesis. A few people have found it useful.
That’s an interesting list. Oddly, I remember every phone number i’ve ever had (about a dozen now). I do not regard this as a good use of neurons.
“Schemas d’interpolation et ondelettes” I assume? Proquest has digitized it and it’s in their Proquest Dissertions & Theses database.
I can send you a copy if UQAM doesn’t subscribe. Assuming you actually still want an electronic copy 😉
Heh, that reminds me of that incident where I predicted loudly and for all to hear that the Berlin Wall would never fall in my own lifetime.
I can very much related to the research papers problem. 🙁
I don’t have any old published research papers, ‘though I have a bunch of posts, academic papers and unfinished articles from back when I was a mathematician.
If I try really really hard I can usually understand them. But it’s hard to believe that I wrote them.
Oh dear,
I can identify with a few of those, especially the phone number one.
I’m ashamed to say that I once thought I had invented n-grams. My advisor said nothing to me when I told him all about my ground-breaking discovery. He just pulled out a load of papers dating way back and gave them to me. Lesson learnt: always do the research first 🙂
I lose everything, apparently it’s quite usual for information retrieval people to lose all their information constantly.
Thank you. I had an awful morning – till now!
Plusieurs des éléments de cette liste me font penser à moi… J’ai par exemple toujours une copie de ma thèse, mais je ne retrouve plus mon mémoire et je ne sais même pas ce qui a pu arriver au fichier!!!
Par contre, je ne comprend pas comment tu arrive à garder le contrôle sur ton agenda. Peux-tu SVP nous dire comment tu y arrives? Ça fait maintenant 5 ans que je travaille à l’UQAC et ça me semble impossible. Il y a toujours un comité ou une réunion…