Daniel Lemire's blog

, 2 min read

Research interests should be short-lived?

3 thoughts on “Research interests should be short-lived?”

  1. John says:

    Some areas move much faster than others.

    I started out in PDEs and now I’m in biostatistics. I was surprised by the differences in publishing in the two areas. PDE papers are much harder to publish: it’s harder to be original since the field is more mature, and papers typically have fewer authors.

    I enjoy being in a faster-moving area, and it sounds like you do as well.

  2. Thanks for the preprint tip!

  3. Seb says:

    The most prolific and inventive researchers I’ve known tend to switch away from a (sub)field as soon as it starts to solidify.

    However, because they provide outlets for career advancement, some fields continue to exist and push papers out long after their leading lights have deserted it and gone into more exciting/promising directions.