Daniel Lemire's blog

, 2 min read

Gardening and research

2 thoughts on “Gardening and research”

  1. Eran says:

    I cannot agree more. The core similarity here is time. Research requires time to mediate on the ideas, to think of their context and consequences. For me, most of these thoughts appear when I am sort of idle: Washing the dishes or waiting in line. These thoughts are sort of independent – very much like plants.

  2. Hi Daniel,
    I love your analogy of gardening versus research. May I resonate it with “It takes one year to grow crops, more than ten years to grow trees, and many tens of years to grow people. Gardening, research – these all help in the growing of people.”
    We are conducting a research (with a virtual research team of 4, our research is unfunded, i.e. not based on University or institution funding, and our team members are doing research on a voluntary basis – we may be a rare of its kind)in the global community. You are welcome to visit my blog: http://suifaijohnmak.wordpress.com and http://connectivismeducationlearning.ning.com for information and comments