Daniel Lemire's blog

, 1 min read

Students using podcasting and skipping class… do better!

According to a recent study, students do better if they skip class and listen to the podcasts. The article has been discussed in the New Scientist and the New York Times, but here is a direct quote:

Results indicated that students in the podcast condition who took notes while listening to the podcast scored significantly higher than the lecture condition.

The article is not hard science. It is a single set of experiments. What I like though, is the observation made by the New Scientist that podcast lectures are good for lecturers too. On this subject, see my post Be a good teacher where I point out that the focus on delivering the content is wrong.

Reference: Dani McKinney, Jennifer L. Dycka and Elise S. Luber, iTunes University and the classroom: Can podcasts replace Professors?, Computers & Education, Volume 52, Issue 3, April 2009, Pages 617-623.

Source: iterating toward openness