Daniel Lemire's blog

, 4 min read

Blogging is part of my day job

6 thoughts on “Blogging is part of my day job”

  1. Patrick Giroux says:

    Je considère aussi mon blogue et mon compte Twitter comme des outils de travail… Et je consulte régulièrement votre blogue et celui de quelques individus sur votre liste.

    PAtrick Giroux, professeur, Université du Québec à CHicoutimi

  2. Jo Vermeulen says:

    Based on your FeedBurner count, the list could be very long 🙂

    Just wanted to say that your blog is one of my favorite research blogs.

    I especially like your advice about doing research and your views on the (academic) world. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the world 🙂

    Jo Vermeulen, PhD student, Expertise Centre for Digital Media — Hasselt University

  3. Mario Asselin says:

    I agree, «blogging is a VERY serious business». It changed drasticly my life since I am full time consultant now after lots of work in school as principal.

    Thanks for your contribution to the edublogosphere…

  4. I’m delighted to see this idea catching on!

  5. Yanik Falardeau says:

    I too believe that blogging and taking part in the social web is an extremely important activity. Ideas are meant to be shared. Humans are meant to connect and communicate in order to grow, thrive and evolve. The web allows everyone with an internet connection to take part in the conversation which brings new and interesting angles or thoughts we may have overlooked. I think it is high time that Universities realize we have entered the information age. It’s time to break down the thought silos that skew our perspective of the world and delay progress. I applaud your effort in trying to change the paradigm Mr. Lemire. I’ll be following your blog with great interest from now on. Warm thanks. Yanik Falardeau Mother, Social Organizer, University of Montreal Alumna.

  6. Blogging is a serious business. And to me lots of fun. I have enjoyed reading your blogs too. A few more posts on blogging on my http://suifaijohnmak.wordpress.com