Daniel Lemire's blog

, 4 min read

Advice to upcoming Ph.D.s

6 thoughts on “Advice to upcoming Ph.D.s”

  1. Peter Turney says:

    NRC is currently hiring: http://tinyurl.com/8hau52

  2. Patrick Giroux says:

    La situation varie beaucoup en fonction du domaine. En éducation par exemple, il n’y a pas assez de candidats pour les postes offerts. Les étudiants en science informatique qui débutent gagneraient à se renseigner sur la situation dans d’autres domaines et à viser l’interdisciplinarité. Ceux qui ont terminé ou qui termineront bientôt devraient probablement envisager l’application de leurs connaissances et habiletés dans des champs connexes et être innovateurs!

  3. @Patrick

    Yes, job search is a domain-specific problem.

  4. As someone who defended his PhD a little over 6 months ago, I can say that if you want to do research, an academic position is not your only option. I happen to work in a place that is letting me get a very small amount of research done, but there is opportunity for further research. The catch is that is must have business value.

    Personally, I think there are many opportunities for research in industry. However, you certainly don’t have the freedom that you have in an academic position.

  5. Ragib Hasan says:

    Great advice!! I’m planning to graduate at the middle of fall, and finding the academic job market shrinking and shrinking.

  6. Steven says:

    Thank you for the post. I’m doing some, but not all of these things, so this is very helpful. I really appreciate that your blog addresses issues like this that aren’t discussed much elsewhere. I’m definitely preparing for the worst.

    I’m considering jobs outside of academia. In my case, network security researchers appear to be in demand at US defense and intelligence contractors, i.e., companies that work for the DoD, DHS, etc. I’m a US citizen, which is helpful because many of these jobs require a security clearance. I just got a summer position in a research group at a defense-related company that strongly encourages their employees to publish.