Daniel Lemire's blog

, 2 min read

Universities and the recession

3 thoughts on “Universities and the recession”

  1. John says:

    It might help to work for large departments. Since universities cannot fire individual faculty, the only way to reduce faculty head count is to close departments. No university is going to shut down the English or math departments.

    I knew a former anthropology professor who said the same letter told him he was promoted to associate professor and that his department would be eliminated in a year.

  2. Steven says:

    “Just make sure you go into accounting, marketing or law.”

    Suuure, tell me that now. Any advice for someone that thought a Ph.D. in Computer Science was a good idea in 2004 that plan to graduate in 2010? I was scared back when you posted about the Taulbee Survey, now I’m *really* scared.

  3. Ragib Hasan says:

    U of Illinois already is feeling the pinch … last week, our president and other trustees discussed a plan to withdraw tuition waivers for 25% RAs/TAs. Traditionally, anyone with at least 25% RA/TA would get a waiver. While this didn’t affect the science, it will certainly affect humanities and arts, where the funding is lower.

    There is also a campus-wide hiring freeze in U of I now.