Daniel Lemire's blog

, 3 min read

The purpose of peer review

4 thoughts on “The purpose of peer review”

  1. JadeStar says:

    I just (a couple of days ago) posted a similar article regarding criticism of the peer review process here:

    Skeptics: Be Skeptical of Skeptics!

    It’s also linked in the Reddit science section. Please feel free to link, track, comment, etc. I’d love to have some peer review myself! 😉

    In short, I’m concerned about tenacious adherence to the “knowledge” published through the peer-review process, seeing as how it can often be a political process, rather than a democratic or scientific one.

  2. Vinod Khare says:

    Peer review is very much like democracy. The majority gets to vote down an idea even though it might be useful. Publishing in a peer reviewed journal is like a bunch of senators deciding on a policy issue. With the internet we can perhaps make is a bit closer to general elections. 🙂

  3. Peter Marteinson says:

    NEVER criticise Society. Only people who can’t get into it do that.

  4. I agree with your views in that peer review allows others to provide feedback to the author. I have often sought such comments from others, whether it’s teaching, learning or research. By having an open model of review, one could unfold the “blind spot” that is often associated with research.
    Thanks again for sharing this important message.