Daniel Lemire's blog

, 2 min read

Leaves in the web of knowledge

2 thoughts on “Leaves in the web of knowledge”

  1. Helen says:

    Interesting. I suspect your ideas about mistakes are true for just about anything.I have no intention of writing a thesis, but in my work it’s good to remind myself that making a mistake is not the end of the world, and it probably won’t have a lasting effect on my clients.It’s not being humble– just realistic.

  2. When I finished defending my thesis, one of the examiners said, “The best theses will sit and collect dust.” What he meant in the context of the conversation was that a good thesis is something no one will read, but should be something that spurs further research.

    It may be that working on a branch isn’t all that glamourous either. And if you happen to be working on a seed, you probably won’t be around to see the branches it produces.