Daniel Lemire's blog

, 3 min read

Do you think because you write, or write because you think?

3 thoughts on “Do you think because you write, or write because you think?”

  1. Daiane says:

    I’ve been recently learning more about the review process for the major scientific journals in my area (business). It really seems that the gatekeepers cannot guarantee that “A-list” journal’s content is actually the best research in a field. There are so many other factors involved in determining whether a paper will be published or not…
    I also think that posting on the web is valid and will be more frequently from now on. In this way, readers (academics and practitioners) will determine what is good research and what is not.

  2. SoloGen says:

    Based on my limited experience, your advice seems to be brilliant. When I write something, I start understanding the topic much better.
    Also I guess teaching/giving formal talks about your findings is helpful too. The catch is that if you give a talk on a half-baked idea, others may just kill it! Writing, it seems, doesn’t have the same problem.

  3. It is also good to know How to Write a Great Research Paper.
    There is a presentation that I found helpful. It has some non-obvious advices
    that will make me writing and ideas better:
