Daniel Lemire's blog

, 1 min read

Blogs make meetings feel dull

I have always hated meetings. I prefer to work alone at my desk, with the occasional email. I realized recently that blogging makes meetings feel even worse. There are many types of information you will not get through traditional channels. Peter Turney’s latest post is one such example. He basically says that simplicity is just one type of bias: the simpler solution is not necessary better. Wow.

I am sure there are many people who are within meters of Peter right now, and they missed his post. They are probably busy preparing some management meeting. What a waste of time!

If you have time for meetings, you do not spent enough time gossiping in the blogosphere.

Do we need meetings? I just want to be left alone to reflect, write and read. If more of us did this, I am sure humanity would be collectively smarter.