Daniel Lemire's blog

, 1 min read

Job offer: education specialist

We are looking for someone to fill a permanent position as an education specialist (spécialiste en sciences de l’éducation). The job includes some research time. You must have a degree in education, or the equivalent. Some of our specialists have Ph.D.s. Some training in Computer Science would be great. The job location is Montreal and the language is French. If you are interested, do not get in touch with me, but send your resume:

Les personnes intéressées doivent faire parvenir leur curriculum vitae ainsi que leur(s) attestation(s) d’études avant 16 h 30, le 5 mai 2008 Ã la :
Direction des ressources humaines
À l’attention de madame Nathalie Camiré
Concours no. 0804-912
455, rue du Parvis
C.P. 4800, succ. Terminus
Québec (Québec)
G1K 9H5