Daniel Lemire's blog

, 3 min read

The need to do great things

5 thoughts on “The need to do great things”

  1. Deniss says:

    Or may be
    “The need to be recognised as a person doing great things”?

  2. > The need to be recognised as a person doing great things

    Well – no.

    One of the things I’ve discovered over the years, is that you can create change or you can receive credit – not both.

    If what motivates you is the credit, then you will find yourself pulled further and further from your objective of creating change.

    This is something I have to remind myself of almost every day. Because it’s not easy.

  3. As always, the best content is in the comments.

  4. Cyril says:

    I respectfully disagree that one cannot do great things (and create change) and receive credit. Not that I candidate in either category!

    In fact, the history of science (and art) is filled with examples of great men who were recognized as such. Although arguably there are also many who seek and value recognition higher than actual achievement.

    Maybe you mean that it’s hard to do great things if your primary goal is recognition?

  5. Smeed’s Law: You can either get something done or you can get credit for doing it, but not both.