Daniel Lemire's blog

, 2 min read

Programming with lego bricks and code completion

2 thoughts on “Programming with lego bricks and code completion”

  1. Building test cases and assertions should definitively use a large fraction of your time.

    If a significant fraction of your time is spent memorizing APIs, then maybe you are using a bad API or working on stupid problems. In either case, you ought to be worried.

  2. Jason Adams says:

    Considering the ever-growing size of the Java API, code completion does come in handy. I would rather have a tool that auto-completed test cases and assertions.

    But I’m confused by be worried. Do you mean: (a) that you should be able to remember the API or (b) that being so confident in the logic of the code you just dashed out is stupid? Or (c) your job will be outsourced because you’re just a code monkey? 🙂