Daniel Lemire's blog

, 3 min read

Reputation still holds in education… for how long?

4 thoughts on “Reputation still holds in education… for how long?”

  1. I have discussed with several university graduates and they all say that they would have opted for a cheaper education, had they known what it would be like with so much student debt and only a bachelor’s degree to show for it.

  2. Jonathan Katz says:

    MIT still does not have *all* its courses available. And many of the ones that are listed as “available” on their OCW site only have syllabi on-line (and not video lectures).

  3. Neil Conway says:

    In fact, OCW has audio or video for a mere 16 EECS courses available online:


    And of those 16, only 5 have video for all the lectures available.

    The syllabus, assignments, and lecture notes for many more courses are available on OCW, but that hardly constitutes a replacement for being at MIT.

    Of course OCW is a great thing, but suggesting that it is anywhere close to a replacement or substitute for attending class at MIT (or anywhere similar) is pretty laughable, at least given the current state of affairs.

  4. I don’t think professors should be lecturing. By video or otherwise. Period. See my post How University professors ought to be teaching…

    But this does not invalidate my point or the point that Cringely is making.