Daniel Lemire's blog

, 2 min read

Research questions about… tag clouds?

2 thoughts on “Research questions about… tag clouds?”

  1. Eran says:

    I like the article: Straightforward approach to an interesting problem.

    I think that deserves some sort of generalization. Is there a core difference between tags and semi-structured schema? Are not roll, dice and other operations relevant to a wider range of “soft” marking methods, rather than tags?

  2. I like the article: Straightforward approach to an interesting problem.


    I think that deserves some sort of generalization. Is there a core difference between tags and semi-structured schema? Are not roll, dice and other operations relevant to a wider range of “soft” marking methods, rather than tags?

    It does deserve a generalization and I think that the paper hints to it but tag clouds offer something concrete to think about.