Daniel Lemire's blog

, 5 min read

Eclipse Search Dialog box is killing me

10 thoughts on “Eclipse Search Dialog box is killing me”

  1. Raghu says:

    You can turn on wrap search then the fwd/bckwd options dont matter.

  2. Mike says:

    Raghu, you just made my day. The search forward/backward thing was killing me.

  3. Ashack says:

    Raghu just made my day too. Although, I must say, this isn’t intuitive at all and you’re not the first person to make this mistake. I think it’s pretty stupid that the wrap search isn’t by default.

  4. philipp says:

    Thank you! It’s 2011 and still this it seems wrap search is not the standard 🙁

  5. Anon says:

    Thanks Daniel for posing this question, I too ran into it and found out about the wrap option.

  6. tea says:

    That was one of the most annoying things for me aswell. Thanks for Raghuram, too.

  7. jibja says:

    2016 and it’s still the same problem. Thank you.

  8. Klajdi says:

    RAGHU You saved my life been struggling for months with that

  9. Ezwt says:

    It was killing me too until I read your post, and thank Raghu too. You both make my day and save my coding life.

  10. Filip says:

    Really annoying search, agree in 140% of you said 😀
    PS: Raghu thanks a lot for the tip!