Daniel Lemire's blog

, 4 min read

inDiscover – a better music recommender system

4 thoughts on “inDiscover – a better music recommender system”

  1. Sean McGrath says:

    Thanks Daniel! I am glad you are enjoying the new release. A few points: this is just a soft release to get something new out to the public, there are still many many features that are practically finished that will be coming soon. One of these is RSS feeds (more than ever!) and RSS feeds of songs will be podcasts, so if you use something like iTunes to to subscribe to podcasts, the songs will automatically be downloaded for you.

    It’s a shame that the site couldn’t remain ad free, but it has to have some method for making back a portion of the money that went into making it. My brain is actually trained to ignore ads on sites, so I rarely notice them anyway.

    Interesting that you link to my myspace page and not my blog. Any particular reason?

  2. Sean McGrath says:

    Actually, when I look now, there are some RSS feeds. Like on a artist page, there is a feed for all of their songs, and on a playlist page, such as http://indiscover.net/playlist/playlistDetails?playlistID=8

  3. Adrian says:


    I wish the best for all associated with inDiscover. May the site connect with an ever-growing community.

    I’m manager to an artist on the inDiscover site, and I’ve been trying to edit content (replace songs, bio etc.) for the longest time – but none of the changes I enter actually appear online!

    Up ‘ti now, I could not find any contact info that worked, either, so, I’m happy to find this blog – and will now visit Sean’s blog – and, together, hopefully, there is an answer to these tech/support issues.

    Any help is appreciated!

    thanks very much, Adrian

  4. Adrian says:

    p.s. I neglected to fill in the web URL – should you want to reach me, better to go to my site, than to Google!

    cheers, Ad