Daniel Lemire's blog

, 1 min read

Help: Looking for High Quality Webcam for Video Blogging

This is sad. Apple’s iSight has been discontinued in North America. There is talk that Apple will replace it with a wireless webcam and many others say that Apple will simply bundle the iSight with all its displays. This last conjecture is just silly. I do not want all my webcams to be tied with my monitors!

Some have pointed out that Unibrain has nice alternative, but they seem to also have discontinued it.

Here is what I am looking for:

  • high quality images with excellent white balance and colors, possibly with builtin light (the external iSight had this option);
  • high quality sound;
  • compatible with Mac;
  • under $1000.

My goal is to produce good quality video blogging, produce videos to promote my research, do videoconferencing, and do some some (voice) podcasting.

I could buy a camcorder, but I want something that is integrated with my computer so I do not have to upload videos to the machine and do lots of manipulation. I also want top notch sound quality.

Any advice?

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