Daniel Lemire's blog

, 1 min read

KDD 2006 (March 5, 2006 / August 23-26 2006)

KDD 2006 will be held in Philadelphia next year.

During the past years, the ACM SIGKDD conference has established itself as the premier international conference on knowledge discovery and data mining with an attendance of 600-900 people. To continue with this tradition, the twelfth ACM SIGKDD conference will provide a forum for researchers from academia, industry, and government, developers, practitioners, and the data mining user community to share their research and experience. The SIGKDD conference will feature keynote presentations, oral paper presentations, poster presentations, workshops, tutorials, and panels, as well as the KDD Cup competition. KDD-2006 will also award scholarships to selected students to help defray the cost of participating in the conference. Details will appear on the conference Web site as they become available