Daniel Lemire's blog

, 1 min read

Aaron Straup Cope´s NYTimes Widgets

One of the most interesting talk we had at SWIG’04 was “Design Issues and Technical Challenges Making the Eatdrinkfeelgood Markup Language RDF” where Aaron showed why it was hard to use RDF in a XML project. I think it all boils down to the fact that we have no good widespread way of serializing RDF to XML. In any case, Aaron finally sent me a link to his NYTimes Widgets.

It lacks sufficient documentation for me to grok it quickly, but from what I understand, Aaron tried to create a useful and innovative RDF application. Here’s what he says about his widgets:

The New York Times includes a large amount of topical metadata with each article it publishes. These are widgets that, having harvested the data, try to do something interesting with it.