Daniel Lemire's blog

, 4 min read

Graduate student/faculty relations

4 thoughts on “Graduate student/faculty relations”

  1. Sharleen says:

    You’ve taken my words out of context; I meant that compared to the example of whom to be friends with in the world at large (which comes immediately before the section you’ve excerpted), grad students have more limited options. I would fully support finding another supervisor or person to work with; I’ve done it myself. Though switching programs isn’t as easy or convenient as you make it seem–credits may not transer, money may not be there, etc.

    The reason I specifically address junior faculty is that my post is a response to an ongoing discussion on junior faculty blogs. Since that’s who I’ve been engaging with, that’s the category I’ve included. Doesn’t just have to be them, though.

  2. Sorry if I took part of words out of context. I do agree that there can be a tremendous cost at switching program or dropping out of graduate school. This being said, that’s pretty much life all around. What are these kids to do later if they find a job and get an abusive boss or abusive peers? Are they going to stick to it because “it is too expensive to switch”? It is necessary that students and employees be willing to move, otherwise, all hell breaks loose and you get abusive supervisors and abusive bosses.

  3. Claire says:

    I think whilst it’s true that students can switch it is psychologically very difficult to do so because in British universities at least it’s not part of the normal culture.

  4. Whose culture Claire? Of course, if you go see employers, they will point out that employees should never leave their employers, and so, companies will have a “culture” whereas you are not supposed to leave. Strangely enough, they will hire someone has their CEO that has changed job 12 times in the last 12 years. Same applies to programs, universities, and supervisors, if you ask the university, it will tell you to never switch, to stick with your present course and so on… that’s because the university benefits from you in your current course and if you change, they might loose you and the money you bring in.

    Ok, maybe I’m too cynical, but I’m pointing out that universities are in a conflict of interest here and maybe students should listen to what their own mind is telling them.