Daniel Lemire's blog

, 2 min read

A megabyte is a mebibyte, and a kilobyte is a kibibyte

2 thoughts on “A megabyte is a mebibyte, and a kilobyte is a kibibyte”

  1. Not fair! I had that in my drafts for my blog – and now it’s like I’m going to copy you 🙂
    I guess I’ll have to translate it to french then. Oh, something completely different: I found the Canadian Semantic Web Interest Group and saw you maybe had a meeting planned in Montreal for September. That would land smack in the middle of the Semaine québécoise de l’informatique libre – http://semaine.facil.qc.ca/ , where standards are just as important as software. Maybe we could work on something together..?

  2. Copy away my friend.

    As for the SWIG meeting, the members have not yet spoken as to what type of meeting we’ll have so we don’t know.

    However, this week of free software is a fantastic idea.