Daniel Lemire's blog

, 4 min read

The world is changing, and I’m there!

6 thoughts on “The world is changing, and I’m there!”

  1. Yuhong YAN says:

    The first sentence makes me think: Oh, Daniel saw a flying saucer :). I
    did not find the world changed after I read this. The world may changed with an
    epsilone with your new blog, though. By the way, your right column
    should not block the editor window I am typing in. And the inDiscover website should
    give me a good download when I take my time to click the link.

  2. Daniel Lemire says:

    By the title, I meant that the world is different now, but we haven’t yet grasped it. For some weeks, I’ve been listening to music produced by independent groups, all that found on inDiscover. The quality is on par with what you can buy elsewhere.

    Assume that I merely got the music I listened to for no money… then maybe I just got a free CD. I still couldn’t easily share it with a 1000 people. But see, now I can. You can listen to what I listen to right now. For no money, and freely (you can pick and choose songs… and so on).

    This was freedom unheard of 10 years ago.

    This is almost true for scientific paper. It will soon be true.

    I have a theory: we’ll reach a level of freedom never reached before. If we haven’t reached it yet.

  3. Seb says:

    I think we have, but the future is not evenly distributed yet. Further to your point, check out this playlist – http://webjay.org/by/damaged_roses/youwillpayforthis

  4. Seb says:

    PS. Glad you’re there.

  5. Daniel Lemire says:

    I’m happy that, at least, I get the debate going with people like Yuhong!

  6. Yuhong YAN says:

    I like debating. Though the blog sometimes make me uncomfortable, because every word
    is recorded and I may regret of saying something several days later. Seb may know what
    makes the blog survive and what are the suitable topics to discuss in this way.