Daniel Lemire's blog

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  • Yuhong YAN says:

    Daniel always sees a changing world, and predicts high derivative of the situation . I always check my age after I talk with him.

    Sure people need more and more degrees and people need universities. See human being’s history, you will know this. The job market is not tougher and tougher. It is tough from only recently. And this makes people to go back to campus. Just, what can the university provide them.

    Do we need a university with a campus? Sure, at least one reason: if not, where to put the professors?

    Then do we need professors? Sure, discussion and Q&R are the learning method invented by Socrates. My professor is the guide of my research, not the papers. And our AI technique has only 4 year’s old intelligence. Don’t expect it can teach your little baby.

    Do the online courses replace professors? I just see another format of remote learning, with better indexing and searching ability.

    Today, I attended a workshop from sun microsystem. Their concept of digital campus is information system integrating + internet portals + web services+grid computing. They focus on easy access and information integrating and computational ability. They didn’t see the changing of teaching methods!

    On thing, maybe one university will form core competition ability and spread its services globally by the new IT technique. A wal-mart style university?

  • Daniel Lemire says:

    Do we need a university with a campus? Sure, at least one reason: if not, where to put the professors?

    There are many open universities throughout the world without a campus. The profs have offices, but they are just like any business offices.

    Then do we need professors? Sure, discussion and Q&R are the learning method invented by Socrates. My professor is the guide of my research, not the papers. And our AI technique has only 4 year’s old intelligence. Don’t expect it can teach your little baby.

    You and I discuss all the time now, yet we never meet on a campus.

    On thing, maybe one university will form core competition ability and spread its services globally by the new IT technique. A wal-mart style university?

    This may very well happen. Why wouldn’t it happen???

    What’s for sure is that small universities should start worrying the day larger, better universities get into serious e-Learning.

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