Assume you want to set-up a user-account which can only log-in to your machine if he sits in front of it and has to give no password.
Let's name this user kiosk.
Unfortunately there is apparently no single command-line switch to accomplish this with useradd.
The task at hand is not be confused with…
After finishing my ABAP programming course I wanted to upload the Netweaver-trial software to Telekom media-center. Telekom media-center allows you to store up to 25 GB of data in the cloud. That's more storage than offered by many USB sticks. Netweaver-trial software is about 3.5 GB, and…
Microsoft brought down and many other domains with a court order. Here is the text from No-IP’s Formal Statement on Microsoft Takedown:
We want to update all our loyal customers about the service outages that many of you are experiencing today. It is not a technical issue. This morning,…
In the year 2010 I read Martin Varsavsky's blog entry on The 6 Day Week by Carlos Varsavsky. In this post Martin Varsavsky states his father, born in 1933, proposed the 6-day week, i.e., work 4 days and rest 2 days. To cope for the reduced productivity, it is proposed to interleave the 6-day week…
Something you don't see that often: Facebook was down today, see start page below.
Now Facebook is up again. It reminds me of the monkey web-page from Google/YouTube.
The following commands are used to encrypt the whole USB hard-drive. This hard-drive is assumed to be on /dev/sdc. Create one partition. One can use gparted for this. Then
cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sdc1
luksFormat is only used once.
To make this encrypted drive available as device on /dev/mapper…
This is how I install Google Chrome, as I do not like Google to add automatic cron-jobs.
I unpack the Debian package.
mkdir T
cd T
dpkg -x ../google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb.140525 .
Switch to root.
mv ~User/Download/T/opt/google /opt
chown -R bin:bin /opt/google
Some computer monitors either do not provide correct EDID, or no EDID at all. An example monitor is LG E2340T. In this case you can provide a hand-crafted EDID file in xorg.conf. For setting the correct screen resolution in the EDID file you can either use a hex-editor, or use below short C…
I sometimes teach a C programming language course. I use the following simple exercises for the students to solve on their own. Most solutions are no longer than 10-20 lines of C code.
Exercising simple loop and printf(): Print a table of square root values for arguments 1 to 30.
In three earlier posts I showed the development of this blog.
Statistics of this Blog: 2.600 Views, 78 Countries, 20 Comments, February 2014
Statistics of this Blog: 1.000 Views, 60 Countries, 10 Likes, October 2013
My Blog Statistics by Country, September 2013
Today I can announce that I crossed…
This workshop is planned for 14-15 July 2014 in Jena, Germany.
The workshop is organized by Bernd Brügmann (University Jena), Xing Cai (Simula and University Oslo), Gundolf Haase (University Graz), and Gerhard Zumbusch (Chair, University Jena).
The last workshop from 2011 had two high-profile…
One simple way to get rid of the very short timeout in shell access to OpenShift is to unset the TMOUT environment variable:
unset TMOUT
Before I knew that I used an Expect script. Below Expect script defeats the annoying timeout by sending some text every 60 seconds.
# Defeat…
I recently installed Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty) on my new 2TB hard drive. I do not use the desktop variant of Ubuntu because I think it is too bloated. Rather I specifically install packages as needed. Below is a list of packages I install after the server edition.
jpilot, of course, see my posts…
Probably I am a little bit old-fashioned, but I still use J-Pilot on my PC and my Tungsten T5 and sync them. It mostly serves as a kind of backup so I have my valuable address and datebook data on separate media. So in case my PC gets inaccessible then I have my data on this device at least.
Assume you want to download just the music of below video on Youtube, so you can listen to the music on your phone, while you are on the road.
Here are the necessary steps on the command line:
mv Crystallize\ -\ Lindsey\ Stirling\ \(Dubstep\ Violin\…
A post in Phoronix: "Cryogenic" Linux Kernel Drops Power Use shed light on a Linux kernel module improving power consumption.
This module was written as part of a master thesis in computer science at TUM (Technical University of Munich) by Alejandra Morales Ruiz. The thesis is well…
Wikipedia contains an article on d'Hondt's method for calculating the number of seats given the number of votes for each party. I wrote a short Perl program for its calculation including the case when d'Hondt's method by its design leads to drawing the lots. Its input contains a list of party names…
Very nice article on
Added on 20-Mar-2014: Original blog post, which was reblogged here, apparently has been deleted. So I put a video from PilotsEYE here:
-- -- -- Quote -- -- --
I have always been interested in flying and aviation. I recently found an…
In two previous posts
My Blog Statistics by Country and
Statistics of this Blog: 1.000 Views, 60 Countries, 10 Likes
I showed the statistics of this blog in September and October last year. The last few weeks I was quite heavily loaded with work, so I couldn't announce that I broke the 2.000…
I found a marvelous way to run jobs on certain business days via cron. The solution was depicted in Scheduling Cron Jobs on Business Days and it was written by a user named rdcwayx. The idea is to use the output of cal and some Awk or Perl string-trickery.
The output of cal looks like this