, 1 min read
UNIX Process Substitution
Original post is here eklausmeier.goip.de/blog/2024/10-26-unix-process-substitution.
Process substitution is available in ksh, bash, and zsh. More examples can be found here: Process Substitution.
Process substitution uses
files to send the results of the process(es) within parentheses to another process.
Piping the output of one program to the input of another program is a very powerful way to run multiple programs at once without any auxiliary temporary files.
1. Sequential flow. Simple case:
program1 | program2 | program3 > file1
2. Read from multiple programs. This is a quite common case.
program1 <(program2) <(program3)
It looks very similar to the usual command line:
program1 file1 file2
A real-word example of multiple programs started:
cat <(cut -d\| -f1 WOLA_EXP_WOLA_ADRESSE_CZSWADTB.csv \
<(cut -d\| -f7 WOLA_EXP_WOLA_GESCHAEFTS_VM_CZSWGVTB.csv | cut -b2-17) \
| sort -u > bpkennWOLA
3. Pipe to multiple programs. One program, here program2, takes multiple files as command-line arguments, i.e., it has multiple outputs.
program1 | program2 >(program4 > file2) >(program5 > file3) \
| program3 > file1
Here is a real-world example for generating the statistics for this web-server:
time blogconcatlog 57 | pv | tee /tmp/a2 | accesslogFilter -o >(blogstatcnt > /srv/http/statcnt.html) | tee /tmp/a1 | blogurlcnt -m70 > /srv/http/urlstat2-m100.html