, 2 min read

Chinese Hackers #2

Original post is here eklausmeier.goip.de/blog/2024/03-05-chinese-hackers-p2.

In the year 2020 in the blog post Chinese Hackers I noticed that China tries the most to hack my Linux machines. These attempts look like this:

$ lastb
a        ssh:notty   Tue Mar  5 13:07 - 13:07  (00:00)
sftpuser ssh:notty      Tue Mar  5 13:05 - 13:05  (00:00)
sftpuser ssh:notty      Tue Mar  5 13:05 - 13:05  (00:00)
hzp      ssh:notty   Mon Mar  4 18:19 - 18:19  (00:00)
hzp      ssh:notty   Mon Mar  4 18:19 - 18:19  (00:00)
root     ssh:notty    Mon Mar  4 18:17 - 18:17  (00:00)
mheydary ssh:notty   Mon Mar  4 12:35 - 12:35  (00:00)
mheydary ssh:notty   Mon Mar  4 12:34 - 12:34  (00:00)
ftp1user ssh:notty  Mon Mar  4 12:34 - 12:34  (00:00)
ftp1user ssh:notty  Mon Mar  4 12:34 - 12:34  (00:00)
panisa   ssh:notty   Mon Mar  4 11:13 - 11:13  (00:00)
panisa   ssh:notty   Mon Mar  4 11:13 - 11:13  (00:00)
sina     ssh:notty  Mon Mar  4 10:45 - 10:45  (00:00)
sina     ssh:notty  Mon Mar  4 10:44 - 10:44  (00:00)
hadoop   ssh:notty  Mon Mar  4 10:43 - 10:43  (00:00)

In 2020 I used fail2ban. Since 2021 I use SSHGuard. It uses way less resources. See Analysis And Usage of SSHGuard.

I ran a quick analysis which country is the most aggressive penetrator.

1. Collecting IP addresses. SSHGuard filters the offending intruder via ipset.

$ ipset list > i1

This collects all IP addresses.

Now I run these IP numbers through geoiplookup:

$ for i in `perl -ne 'print $1."\n" if /^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s+/' i1`; do geoiplookup $i >> i3; done

The resulting list looks like this:

$ head i3
GeoIP Country Edition: CN, China
GeoIP Country Edition: HK, Hong Kong
GeoIP Country Edition: US, United States
GeoIP Country Edition: US, United States
GeoIP Country Edition: KR, Korea, Republic of
GeoIP Country Edition: PE, Peru
GeoIP Country Edition: CA, Canada
GeoIP Country Edition: CN, China
GeoIP Country Edition: KR, Korea, Republic of
GeoIP Country Edition: KE, Kenya

2. Sorting according frequency.

cut -d: -f2 i3 | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn

The top 20 offenders are:

   4228  CN, China
   3175  US, United States
   2142  SG, Singapore
   1596  KR, Korea, Republic of
   1042  DE, Germany
    980  IN, India
    755  HK, Hong Kong
    661  BR, Brazil
    566  RU, Russian Federation
    522  VN, Vietnam
    471  ID, Indonesia
    453  JP, Japan
    403  FR, France
    396  NL, Netherlands
    354  GB, United Kingdom
    313  IR, Iran, Islamic Republic of
    307  CA, Canada
    279  TW, Taiwan
    236  AU, Australia
    173  TH, Thailand

Graphically this looks like this: